H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 344 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.
Rishi Sunak's statement on changes to the government's policy on Net Zero contained a headline-grabbing pledge to scrap plans to force households to have seven different recycling bins. While the prime minister clearly expects this to play well with the electorate, history suggests that the public are ready to adapt their habits and that there are dangers in playing politics with waste disposal.
The Second World War blackout offers us a close analogy to the Covid-19 lockdown, say Henry Irving and Marc Wiggam – complete with flouting of the rules, and opposition to its being lifted.
The myth of the Blitz spirit could be actively dangerous, says Henry Irving - we need to define a Coronavirus spirit of our own, where engaged citizenship encourages social distancing
Henry Irving finds a precedent for today's proposed measures against plastic waste in Second World War recycling and salvage - but will the public respond today with the same willingness?
Henry Irving shows that government was willing to learn lessons in 1940 about its own unprepared response to destruction and homelessness - can the government of today learn the same lessons when responding to tragedy?
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