Opinion Articles

H&P encourages historians to use their expertise to shed light on issues of the day. If you are interested in submitting an opinion piece for publication, please see our editorial guidelines. We currently have 336 Opinion Articles listed by date and they are all freely searchable by theme, author or keyword.

A golden high wage future?

The Government may succeed in 'taking back control'. But its ability to combine this with a new economic model of high real wages and improved productivity, heralded in the Prime Minister's speech to the Conservative Party Conference last week, appears more doubtful.

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When affirmative action was white: the work of Ira Katznelson

Simon Szreter revisits a classic paper from 2005 authored by Professor Ira Katznelson, which set out a history of the public policy that fostered black economic disadvantage in the United States.

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Does Coronavirus spell the end for neoliberalism?

Adrian Williamson asks what the government's stimulus plan of March might mean for the future.

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Where there is wine there is a way: lessons from ‘Brexit-like’ events in the medieval and early modern period

Brexit may seem unprecented, but 'Brexit-like' disruptions to trade (i.e. wars) occurred in the medieval and early modern periods. What did they mean for trade, supply and pricing?

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‘Incentivising an ethical economics’. Winning Entry for the IPPR Economics Prize 2019

Read more about H&P co-founder Prof Simon Szreter's team's prize-winning plan for a step change in the UK's economic growth

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What does British imperial economic history tell us about the future of UK-EU trading relations?

David Clayton lays out the options for Britain’s post-Brexit trading relations, and assesses the preferred option in the light of imperial economic history in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

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Too big to use? Government surveillance and big data in the eleventh and twenty-first centuries

Kings PhD student Lois Lane offers the historic reactions to the Little Domesday Book as a parable to today's Investigatory Powers Bill.  

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Privilege in the Twenty-First Century: The Threat of Offshore Finance to Democratic Cohesion

With the Panama Papers database being made public, André Vitória & Ronald Kroeze explore how regulators throughout history have grappled with offshore financing.

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The historical lessons for income tax policy

Rather than unilaterally imposing new taxes on the wealthy, Isabela Mares and Didac Queralt argue that history shows income tax has previously been used to keep them on board.

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Taxing wealth

If inequality of wealth is a genuine political concern, there are fairer ways of addressing it than a 'mansion tax', argues Professor Martin Chick, in an opinion piece co-published with openDemocracy.

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