Opinion Articles

Historian responds to MPs expenses scandal

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Greg Rosen of Goldsmiths, University of London, dispels the myth of a golden age of honest politicians, and reminds us why MPs were paid in the first place

"Some commentators have looked back admiringly at past generations of politicians, holding up Margaret Thatcher, Keith Joseph, Michael Foot and Tony Benn and their like as 'a generation of giants' compared to the 'pygmies' of today.

But these politicians were able to support themselves financially and we need to remember why politicians were paid in the first place; Lloyd George said in 1911 that paying MPs a small wage would: 'enable men to come here, men who would render incalculable service to the State... but who cannot be here because their means do not allow it'.

The expenses system must be reformed, but it must not be based on rose-tinted delusions about the parliamentary past. Until quite recently only people of "independent means" could afford to serve as MPs, and many had to fit their parliamentary work around other jobs, visiting their constituencies barely once a month. If we turn the clock back the real loser will be democracy."

Please note: Views expressed are those of the author.


Don't swallow myth of a golden political age [pdf file, 44KB] by Greg Rosen for The Scotsman.



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